Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fertility Software

How can women over 35 reduce the time to conceive or identify fertility problems early? Using Ovusoft Fertility Planning software, which will assist you in fully understanding your body and its natural cycles.

Had I known or cared at 20 or even 30 that one day my hormones would one day rage and I would actually want a child in my 40's, would I have done anything differently?

Actually no. I never wanted children, so I planned my life and my career without them, even now with a loud ticking clock and 41 years old I am still not rushing to get pregnant. Despite the all of the recent news about fertility and age I will do this on my terms or not all.

Recent books (i.e. Creating a Life by Sylvia Hewlett) have created a huge controversy about this "career vs. family" issue and the latest studies note this alarming trend but paradoxically don't offer any suggestions for increasing the chances of those of us who are already "older". They simply suggested that women start earlier.

I know that with advancing age my fertility is declining, you only have to look in the mirror to see that you are not as lovely as you were in your 20's or 30's, so it stands to reason that in your 40's our eggs will be equally as old. Unlike men who reproduce fresh sperm approximately every 3 months, my eggs were with me at birth, and have lived my life.

Additionally fertile cervical fluid declines with age and sperm survival will depend upon the state of the cervical fluid and how close a woman is to ovulation.

Should I look to the past to gain an idea of my fertile future? My mother and her mother both had children in their early 20's with no difficulty and went through the menopause in their 50's. On my fathers side going back 7 generations, nearly all of them had their first child during their 20's, and with the exception of one, all went on to have children into their 40's.

Despite the trend for women to have children later, figures published by the ONS for 2000 shows that of the 766,000 conceptions, the highest percentage was 25-29 age group (27%) followed by the 30-34 age group (25%). The data shows that women were still most likely to conceive in their twenties, with 748.8 conceptions for every 1,000 women, compared to 421.4 for women in their 30's.

The statistics published by the ONS are equally interesting. The number of live births per 1000 women, from 1981 to 1998 for women:-

Under 20 rose by 11%
20-24 dropped by 31%
25 – 29 dropped by 22%
30-34 rose by 29%
35-39 rose by 82%
40 + rose by 60%

Like me, everyone knows someone who has had a baby in her 40s. There is the constant stream of celebrities who have had babies later on, Madonna had Lourdes at 38 and Rocco at 42, Emma Thompson was 40 with Gaia, Kim Basinger 42 with Ireland and Geena Davis 46 with her first child.

Is it that we are simply so much healthier than our grandmothers' generation, or that, we have forgotten that our reproductive life is just the same as it was all those years ago.

Many infertile couples are prepared to undergo enormous sacrifices, to produce a child, when nature has made it almost impossible. For me, should I be unable to get pregnant 'normally'
I will not even consider Assisted Reproductive Technologies. This is because as women grow older, the success rates of IVF procedures drop with each ensuing month along with the high
cost and stress.

Luckily, there is something for couples like me, which can cut the time to conceive in half and identify possible fertility problems early in the process of trying to get pregnant. We can practice the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) – a scientifically validated, natural form of pregnancy achievement and/or contraception.

Fertility Awareness is the charting and interpretation (either manually, or using an FDA-approved software application) of body signs, like waking temperature and cervical fluid.

Toni Weschler, M.P.H., a nationally recognised women's health educator, popularises this method in her best-selling book, TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY and in Ovusoft Fertility Planning Software the first FDA-approved software to automate the Fertility Awareness Method, which was developed by Weschler in conjunction with Ovusoft, LLC.

How Ovusoft software works:
Ovusoft puts couples in charge by providing the tools for pregnancy achievement without the use of drugs or hormones. By simply taking her daily waking temperature (basal body temperature) and checking her cervical fluid, a woman can use Ovusoft software to determine her short window of fertility during which she can conceive. In addition, the results of other fertility products, such as BabyStart Home Fertility Test kit for couples, (comprising a ovulation test kit for her and a home sperm count test for him) can be incorporated into the Ovusoft analysis. The program's "Fertility Advisor" feature tells a woman, in plain language, exactly what is happening in her body each day of her cycle and advises her on what she should be doing to monitor her fertility. And in this way you can let nature takes its course or try
to select the sex of your baby.
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  • posted by Fertility Goddess at 3:07 PM 0 comments

    Saturday, April 28, 2007

    The Fibroid Myth


    Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) August 3, 2006 -- "Too many women of childbearing age are led to believe by their gynecologists or internists that the presence of uterine fibroids will prevent pregnancy," said world-renowned gynecologic surgery pioneer Thomas L. Lyons, MD, of the Center for Women's Care & Reproductive Surgery in Atlanta. "That's a myth. If they're not bothering you, you don't need to bother with them."

    Numerous patients inquire about whether they should have fibroids removed in order to "clean themselves up" to enhance their chances of pregnancy, Dr. Lyons explained.

    "Unfortunately, many surgeons will go along with a patient's wishes to have fibroids removed, even though evidence shows that fibroids do not really prevent pregnancy, and that women with fibroids do not have a higher risk of a bad pregnancy," he said.

    "The obvious corollary to this is that their physicians want to perform the surgery or the procedure whether it's really necessary for the patient or not," said Dr. Lyons. "With in-office diagnostics like ultrasound, an accurate and relatively inexpensive method of ruling out ovarian abnormalities, and hysteroscopy, which can also be a treatment, we can tell what's happening with fibroids and whether they might present any problems."

    In addition to offering leading therapies and procedures for fibroid detection and removal, Dr. Lyons developed the Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy (LSH) in 1990 and has performed thousands of them successfully.

    Renowned as the global "go-to guy" on LSH, he has donated his time over nearly two decades to train hundreds of surgeons on this and other minimally invasive procedures he has developed.

    Debunking the Myth
    According to statistics cited on eHealthMD, only about six percent of women who are infertile have fibroids, and these are usually not the source of the infertility. Fibroids cause the problem in only 2- 3% of cases.

    The real, but rare issue of fibroids causing infertility may include fibroids blocking sperm passage into one or both fallopian tubes, which may prevent the egg's fertilization.

    Additionally, if fibroids fill the uterine cavity, they may block implantation of the fertilized egg.

    Other rare issues include the possibility of premature labor or miscarriage due to fibroids in the uterine cavity, or an increased chance that the baby is not positioned to be born headfirst, necessitating cesarean section.

    Since all these possibilities are so minimal, Dr. Lyons is shocked at the prevalent notion among women who want to bear children that they must be "fibroid-free" in order to conceive.

    "Their own gynecologists often will not debunk this notion. It's up to the patient now to research her options," he said.

    Do research and know your options. Discerning patients who aren't willing to settle for one opinion or "the way it's always been done" find Dr. Lyons on the Internet and come from as far as Tokyo, Rome, Madrid, Australia and Buenos Aires, seeking him as a second or third opinion.

    They discuss numerous options including laparoscopic myomectomy,removal of the fibroids only, or drug therapy. Often, where other physicians will recommend a major surgery, Lyons suggests either a 'wait and see' approach or an easy, in-office procedure such as hysteroscopy.

    "It's especially important that patients choose a surgeon who is experienced in working with lasers and laparoscopy. The minimally invasive procedures we perform require more skill than open abdominal procedures. They're easier on the patient, but more challenging for the surgeon," explained Dr. Lyons.

    Many surgeons will attempt a laparoscopic procedure and feel it necessary to convert to an open surgery with a long incision during the procedure. Make sure to ask your surgeon about his or her conversion ratio. Dr. Lyons' conversion ratio is less than one percent.
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  • posted by Fertility Goddess at 11:15 PM 0 comments

    How A Fertility Calendar Can Help You Conceive

    Fertility Calendar for Women and Men Trying to Conceive a Child the Natural Way
    March 8, 2006

    Seattle, WA (PRWEB) March 8, 2006 -- One cannot describe the pain and suffering when your beloved is trying to conceive a baby, just to discover every month after month that another opportunity has been missed without success.

    In a modern society when partners are starting families in their late 30s, the chances of conceiving a healthy child are greatly reduced. Age, health and stress associated with the pressure to conceive before it's too late are a few of many factors facing modern parents. Knowing your biological and natural fertility cycles may remarkably improve your chances to get pregnant the natural way.

    The natural fertility calendar, also known as lunar fertility, has been used since ancient Babylonian times. But only in the mid-1950' s did Dr. Eugene Jonas from Slovakia perform a comprehensive study about pregnancy, which was later confirmed in clinical conditions by Dr. Kurt Rechnitz in Hungary.

    Their study concluded that women have two fertility cycles: one is the traditional ovulation and the other is personal lunar cycle. The woman's lunar cycle has more probability for conception and is easily predictable months in advance. Related studies also confirmed that men have similar fertility cycles when they produce a higher than usual amount of sperm.

    The accurately calculated biorhythm and fertility calendar, along with lunar phases, can greatly improve your chances to naturally conceive a healthy baby without any drugs or costly artificial insemination like IVF. Having up-to-the-minute accurate biorhythms and fertility cycles, converted to the correct time zone, for yourself and your partner and downloaded to a personal electronic calendar, such as Microsoft® Outlook™, PDA or digital phone, would not only simplify your family planning but even help you to predict the sex of the baby. offers a simple way to calculate and download your fertility cycle along with other biorhythms as part of the Biorhythm ToGo™ feature. Lunar fertility cycle is a biorhythmic cycle of about 29.5 days, which contains a short window of "high fertility", when chances of conception are greater, and a "low fertility", meaning conception is unlikely.

    It takes two to make a baby. Therefore, it's unfair to put all the pressure of conception on women alone. Men have similar lunar fertility cycles, when they produce higher than average amount of sperm. The time for conception should be determined by the men's cycle as well as women's. In our case, my wife conceived exactly on the day when my fertility cycle was 100%. Since my wife had kept records of her cycles and intercourse, we were able to reconstruct
    the exact time of conception and confirmed by doctor's examination.

    Although we would have been happy with either sex, my wife was overjoyed to learn her baby was a girl. With our new fertility calendar, couples can now forecast the sex of their baby by combining their fertility cycle with Horoscope ToGo™. While this technique is not 100% reliable, as no one can predict how long the sperm will take to actually fertilize the egg after the intercourse, couples may still schedule their "love making" when the moon just enters the new zodiac sign. When the moon enters the masculine sign of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius, the baby will most likely be a boy. Otherwise, when the moon enters feminine signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces, the baby will most likely be a girl.

    The effect of the moon on pregnancy was also researched by scientists in the USA. There is even a patent #6,497,718, which describes a method of how to facilitate ovulation by simulating lunar cycles with a special night light.

    If you are trying to conceive a child the natural way , here are few simple steps to follow:

    1. Determine you and your partner's fertility cycle. You can download them from with Biorhythm ToGo™.

    2. If you are concerned about sex of the baby, download Horoscope ToGo™. This tool includes moon phases and its movement through the zodiac with baby sex indicators.

    3. Plan a suitable time of conception. The ideal time is when:
    • Man's fertility cycle reaches maximum - 100% and coincides with woman's ovulation period or lunar fertility cycle.
    • Physical, emotional and intellectual (mental) biorhythm cycles are not moving through critical times.
    The suggested natural method does not require any drugs and can be planned months in advance. However, make sure that neither of you have a medical condition which can interfere with fertilization or pregnancy. Consult with your doctor. Of course, you could always spend thousands of dollars on other remedies like absolutely unnatural in-vitro fertilization (IVF) but first, try this natural fertility calendar for at least 6 months.
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  • posted by Fertility Goddess at 5:04 PM 0 comments